valid from 10 May 2016
1. Whenever below terms written with a capital letter appear in those Conditions, they should be understood as:
1) Conditions – aforementioned Conditions of "Paid Recommendation" Program
2) Program – "Paid Recommendation" Program, the conditions of which are described in Conditions;
3) Employer – INVENTRONICS sp. z o.o. company having its office in (59-400) Jawor, Kuziennicza street no. 10D, NIP (Tax Identification Number): PL6951424955, entered into the register of entrepreneurs kept by the District Court of Wroclaw Fabryczna, IX Commercial Division of the National Court Register in KRS (National Court Register Number): 0000149329 , share capital: 1.450.000 PLN;
4) Job Offer - job offer presented by the Employer;
5) Employment – employment resulting from Recommendation of the Recommended Person on the basis of work contract or civil law contract;
6) Recommendation – informing Recommended Person by Recommending Person about Job Offer;
7) Recommending Person – natural person, who informs, in terms of Program, Recommended Person about Job Offer, through Recommendation;
8) Recommended Person – natural person, being a potential candidate for the job, described in Job Offer, which was received from the Recommending Person as a result of Recommendation, who was not employed with the Employer within twelve months preceding the Employment;
9) Prize – money prize in the amount of 1000 PLN gros (in words: one thousand zloty), due to the Recommending Person from the Employer on terms described in Conditions;
10) Personal Data Protection Act act dated 29 August 1997 (Dz.Ust.No.133, item 883)". – act dated 29 August 1997 about personal data protection (consolidated text Dz. U. from 2014, item 1182 incl. ammendments).
1. Program will be carried out via e-mail address:
2. Employer claims that the Program is not a game of chance, lottery, mutual bet or a game the result of which is incidental, or any other form described in regulations dated 19 November 2009 on gambling (Dz. U. z 2009 r. Nr 09, item 1540 incl. ammendments).
3. Program lasts from 10 May 2016 until 31 December 2016 and can be prolonged by the Employer. It includes Recommending People who made a Recommendation within the duration of Program. Those Recommending People are subject to the provisions of the Conditions even after the termination of Program.
4. Program is open, which means that Recommending Person can be any natural person able to perform legal actions, excluding the employees of the Employer. Participation in the Program is voluntary and free of charge.
1. Recommending Person can participate in the Program through making a Recommendation. Recommended Person replies by applying for the Job Offer and gives the details of the Recommending Person.
2. The Conditions of the Recommendation are:
1) giving the following personal details of the Recommending Person on aplication documents: name and family name, e-mail address,
2) accepting the Conditions,
3) making the following statement through including the following clause:
a.) "I hereby declare, that I was allowed to share data of the person who reccomended the Job Offer and for processing their personal data by INVENTRONICS sp. z o.o. in terms of the data: name and family name, e-mail address, for the Recommending Person to take part in "Paid Recommendation" Program in accordance with the Personal Data Protection Act dated 29 August 1997 (consolidated text, Dz. U. from 2014, item 1182 incl. ammendments);
b.)"I allow my personal data stated to be processed for the purpose of participation of "Paid Recommendation" Program in accordance with the Personal Data Protection Act dated 29 August 1997 (consolidated text, Dz. U. from 2014, item 1182 incl. ammendments);
3. Recommending Person cannot make a Recommendation of themselves.
1. Prizes are financed from own resources of the Employer.
2. Recommending Person, within the duration of Program, will be entitled to get the Prize, if they fulfill the Conditions of Participation stated in § 3 par. 2 of the the Conditions, and, apart from these, fulfill the Conditions:
1) The Recommended Person will reply by applying for the Job Offer on the following e-mail:, and give the details of the Recommending Person (name and family name, e-mail address)within the duration of the Program.
2) Recommended Person will employed with the Employer within 3 months from the Recommendation.
1. Recommending Person will be informed by the Employer via e - mail about granting the Prize within 14 days from the day of fulfilling the last of the Conditions, stated in § 4 par. 2 of the Conditions.
2. The Prize shall be paid gross by bank transfer to the bank account of the Recommending Person within 14 days from giving the Employer data necessary for bank transfer as well as data to prepare tax information PIT 8C. The model declaration for the Recommending Person is an attachment to the Conditions.
3. If the Employer doubts fulfilling the last of the Conditions, stated in § 4 par. 2 pkt 2 of the Conditions they can require additional verification consisting, in particular, of documenting fulfilling this Condition.
4. The Employer may refuse to pay in case of negative verification mentioned in the above section.
1. Giving personal data, stated in § 3 par. 2 of the Conditions, is voluntary, but not giving them results in inability to participate in the Program.
2. Personal data processing is in accordance with the Personal Data Protection Act.
3. The Employer is the administrator of personal data gathered for Program implementation as stated in Personal Data Protection Act.
4. Personal data of the Recommending Person and the Recommended Person are gathered for Programme implementation.
5. The person whom those data concern can have them available and ask to correct or change them.
1. Recommending People participating in the Program can make complaints concerning the Program in any form; the Employer suggests, that complaints are made to the e-mail address:
2. Complaint should include name and family name of the Recommending Person, name and family name of the Recommended Person, correspondence address as well as justification of complaint.
3. The Employer shall consider the complaint within 14 days from its submission.
1. Conditions of the Program are available at the headquarters of Employer and on their website:
2. In relations with the particular Recommending, the Conditions are applicable in the form which was accepted by that Person, even in case of change of the Conditions .
For the purposes of complying with tax information
Name and family name: ………………………………………………………………………………………………………
Date of birth: ………………………………………………………………………………………………………
Place of residence::
Postal code/Post office: ………………………………………………………………………………………
City/Town: ………………………………………………………………………………………………………
Street and house number: …………………………………………………………………………………………
Community:: ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
District: ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
The relevant Tax Office: …………………………………………………………………………………
I declare, that:
I run an individual business activity Yes / No *
I am a payer of tax on goods and services tax Yes / No *
I pay a lump sum because of recorded income in connection with lease or tenancy Yes / No *
Therefore, my ID tax identification number is NIN ( 1 ) * / TIN ( 2 ) *
NIN ( 1 ) * / TIN ( 2 ) * :